Monday 7 March 2016

Speaking Practice


1) Compare and contrast the photo. Answer the questions.


.Where are the people in the photo?

.What are the people doing?

.In what ways are the photos similar? In what ways are they different?

.Which activity do you prefer? why? 

.Describe them

2) Discuss the following questions.

1) Where do young people like going in the evening in your area?

2) Where do older people like going for entertainment?

3) What type of entertainment do you enjoy the most?

4) Who are your favourite performers and why do you like them? What talents have they got?

5) If you could be a performer, what kind would you be? Explain.



Sunday 6 March 2016

Speaking Practice

On this week, I will have the test of speaking... "-.-

Here, I leave you some exercises to practice the speaking :


1)Look at the photo below. Invent details about it. Say: 

. who the people are


.describe this girls  


.how the feel


.what they're doing


.what has just happened and what will happen next

2) Discuss the following questions:
-What qualities do you think are important in a friend?
-Why are friends usually the same age?
-Do you enjoy doing different things with different friends? Explain
-Do you prefer spending time with one or two friends, or with a large group?
-What do you sometimes argue about with your friends?


Speaking test: Materials



 General information

In this photograph I can see/ there is/ there are…
There is a/ there are some…
I can see…

 Set the place

It looks like a school/ park/ street…
It looks like London/ England/ the USA
I think it’s…

 What is happening?

This person is talking to…/ relaxing…/ working…
These people are dancing/ shopping…
I think this person is…
Perhaps this man is…
This man looks very happy/ angry/ annoyed/ bored/ friendly…


This man/ woman/ girl/ boy/ couple
The man on the left/ on the right/ in the middle looks… What are they wearing?
This man’s wearing a blue shirt and a pair of jeans… 

 Describe the people

This woman’s very tall/ short/ fat/ slim/ thin/ medium build.
She’s got blue eyes/ long hair…
She’s very beautiful…

 Describe the weather

It’s hot/ windy/ sunny…
In the centre of the photo/ in the middle of the photo…
In the background…/ foreground…
At the top of the photo/ at the bottom of the photo…
In the right/ left hand corner of the photo

 Personal opinion 

I think it’s a very interesting/ boring photograph

It’s a nice/ funny photo…

And the following links belong to older posts which might be very useful to you in the following weeks: