Friday, 29 January 2016
Today, I have gone to the hospital and it happened to me to publish the vocabulary related to the Hospital:
ambulance - ambulancia
anaesthesia - anestesia
appendicitis - apendicitis
allergic reaction - reacción alérgica
appointments book - libro de citas
acne - acné
asthma - asma
amnesia - amnesia
backache - dolor de espalda
blood pressure - presión sanguínea
blood test - prueba de sangre
breathing apparatus - respirador artificial
cancer - cáncer
capsule - cápsula
car accident - accidente de autos
cold sore - resfriado
constipation - estreñimiento
cough - tos
check-up - chequeo médico
chest pain - dolor en el pecho
chicken pox - varicela
diabetes - diabetes
dizziness - mareo
diarrhoea - diarrea
disease - enfermedad
doctor - doctor
dressing gown - bata
emergency room - sala de emergencias
examination couch - diván de reconocimiento
first aid - primeros auxilios
gynecologist - ginecólogo/a
gauze - gasa
health insurance - seguro médico
injection - inyección
intensive care unit - unidad de cuidados intensivos
laboratory - laboratorio
mask - mascarilla
medical record - historia clínica
medicine cabinet - armario de remedios
microscope - microscopio
nurse - enfermera
operating theatre - quirófano
operating table - mesa de operaciones
operation - operación
oxygen - oxigeno
pain - dolor
painkiller - calmante para el dolor
paramedics - paramédicos
patient - paciente
pregnancy - embarazo
physician - médico clínico
plaster - yeso
prescription - receta
pyjamas - pijama
scar - cicatriz
sleeping pills - pastillas para dormir
slippers - pantuflas
stitches - puntos de sutura
stretcher - camilla
surgeon - cirujano
surgical instruments - instrumentos quirúrgicos
syringes - jeringas
temperature - fiebre
to heal | - curar |
to hurt - | doler |
treatment - tratamiento
waiting room - sala de espera
wheelchair - silla de ruedas
x-ray plate - radiografía
Thursday, 28 January 2016
I / you work
he/ she/ it works
we/ you /they work
I / you do not (don't) work
he/ she/ it does not (doesn't) work
we/ you /they do not (don't) work he/ she/ it does not (doesn't) work
Do I / you work ?
Does he/ she/ it work ?
Do we/ you/ they work ?
- A regular habit or routine
- A general truth or scientific fact
- Stative verbs
- Termination: -o, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x -> added -es
- Vocal + y added -s : say- says
- Consonant + y changing in ' i ' after added -es: try - tries
Adverbs of frequency / Time expressions
always, usually, generally, regularly, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, at 1o'clock, at night, in the morning, on Fridays, every week, once a month, how often...?, almost always, hardlyever, etc.
My sister works as a tour guide.Paris is a common destination.
I think he is an explorer.
The plane leaves at 2 o'clock.
We go to the museum every week
How often do you go to the UK?
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Vocabulary of TRAVEL
The list of vocabulary includes the translation in Spanish of the words
Here are some English terms related to travel:
Travel - Air = viaje - Aireairport = aeropuerto
check-in = registrarse
landing = aterrizar
plane = avión
take off = despegar
Travel - General Related Words = viaje - Palabras generales relacionadas
destination = destino
journey = viaje
passenger = pasajeros
route = ruta
travel = viajar
travel agent = agente de viajes
trip = viaje
Travel - Holidays = viaje - vacaciones
go camping = ir a acampar
cruise = cruceroexcursion = excursión
hotel = hotel luggage = equipaje
self-catering holiday = alojamientos con cocina propia
sightseeing = visita de lugares de interés
go sightseeing = una visita guiada
suitcase = maleta
tour = de gira
tourism =hacer turismo
tourist = turista
Travel - Land = vieje - tierra
bicycle = bicicleta
bus = autobús
bus station = estación de autobús
car = coche
coach = autocar
lane = carril
motorbike = moto
motorway = autopista
rail = riel
go by rail = ir por el carril
road = carretera
main road = carretera principal
minor road = carretera secundaria
traffic = tráfico
train = tren
tube = metro
underground = metro bajo tierra
subway = subterráneo
Travel - Sea = viaje - mar
boat = barco, bote
crossing = cruce
ferry = transbordador
port = puerto
sail = navegar
sea = mar
set sail = zarpar
ship = buque
voyage = viaje
Travel - Verbs = viaje - verbos
board = alojarse
go by = ir en
go on board = embarcar
get on board = subir a bordo
hitch-hike = hacer autoestop, hacer dedo
set off = partir
Friday, 22 January 2016
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