They are generally used by the verbal simple times (presente simple or presente perfecto simple), but not with the continuous.
For example: We can say "I know the answer" ; but not "I'm Knowing the answer".
The state verbs can be divided into several groups :
1. Verbs related to the thought and the opinion
(Verbos relacionados con el pensamiento y la opinión).Believe / feel -creer
Know - conocer/saber
Think (= believe) - pensar (tener una opinión)
Understand - entender
Suppose - suponer
Expect - esperar
Agree - estar de acuerdo
Doubt - dudar
Remember - recordar
Forget - olvidar
Mean - significar
Imagine - imaginar
Realise - darse cuenta
Agree - estar de acuerdo
Disagree- no estar de acuerdo
2. Verbs related to taste, emotions and feelings
Like -gustar
Dislike -no gustar, desagradar
Love - amar
Hate - odiar
Care - cuidar
Hope - esperar
Wish - desear
Want - querer
Admit - reconocer
Prefer - preferir
Despise - despreciar
Adore -adorar
Satisfy - satisfacer
3. Verbs related to possession
(Verbos relacionados con la posesión).Belong - pertenecer
Own - poseer
Have - tener
Have got - tener
Possess - poseer
4. Verbs related to the senses
(verbos relacionados con los sentidos).Hear - oir
Taste - saber
Smell - oler
See- ver
Sound -sonar
Listen to, Watch and Look, although referring to the senses, aren't stative verbs, and therefore, they can go in continuous time.
5. Other verbs
Contain - contenerCost - costar
Deserve -merecer
Seem / look - parecer
Look like -parecer
Matter -importar
Weigh -pesar
Measure -medir
Appear - aparecer
Need - necesitar
Depend on - dependerse de
Owe - deber
Mind - importar
Lack -faltar, carecer
Recognise -reconozer
Promise -prometer
Involve - suponer, implicar
Consist -consistir, constar
Fit- entrar (ropa)
Some of these verbs have two meanings, one mean an action (active meaning) and the other mean a state (stative meaning). When the meaning is an action or activity (not a state) the verb can go in continuous time
For example:
The picture measures 25 cm x 15 cm. (el cuadro mide 25 cm x 15 cm) = stative meaning
Peter is in the kitchen measuring the table (Peter está en la cocina midiendo la mesa) = active meaning
I think that he is friendly. (creo que es simpático)
Think = believe
Think = believe
I am thinking about going shopping this afternoon (estoy pensando en ir de compras esta tarde)
Think = pensar (formarse una idea en la mente)
Think = pensar (formarse una idea en la mente)
I feel you should apologize (considero que deberías disculparte)Feel = think
I'm feeling cold (estoy sintiendo frío)
Feel = experimentar una sensación
They have a nice car (tienen un coche bonito)
Have = possess
Have = possess
He's having a shower at the moment. (Está duchándose en este momento)
She's having a difficult time (está pasando un momento difícil)
Have= cuando no tiene el sentido de posesión.
She's having a difficult time (está pasando un momento difícil)
Have= cuando no tiene el sentido de posesión.
The milk doesn't taste good (la leche no sabe bien)taste= saber (sentido)
I'm tasting the sauce (estoy probando la salsa)
taste= probar
I can see a spider on the table (veo una araña en la mesa)see = look (ver)
I'm seeing him tonight (voy a verlo esta noche)
see= meet (quedar con alguien)
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